Different Categories of Plumbing Pipe Fittings

When installing plumbing pipelines, along with the pipes, fittings of the right type are also important. The fittings play a crucial role in connecting the long lengths of pipes across the entire installation. For various purposes in the plumbing pipelines, different types of plumbing connectors may be used. Let us look at the different categories of fittings:

1. For combining and diverting: There are plumbing pipe connectors which are used to connect and divert connections. These include elbows, tees, wyes, and crosses. Each type of fitting in this category helps in combining individual connections or in separating one connection into multiple streams. Elbows have two openings while crosses have four, wyes have three openings, as do tees.

2. For connecting pipes: Plumbing pipe connectors are also employed for connecting two pipes of similar or differing dimensions. These types of connectors include bushings, union fittings, couplings and adapters. Couplers slip over the pipes to connect them while adapters are connected to pipes of differing types in order to join them. Bushings are used to connect pipes whose diameters are different and hence come with ends of differing dimensions. Unions are used to screw together pipes of similar dimensions. 

3. For sealing: Traps and flanges are fittings which are used to seal and trap odours and particle matter from the wastewater. Traps are generally used in bathrooms and kitchens underneath the sinks, shaped like the alphabet U or P, sideways, and are used for preventing the odour from getting back into the building. Innovative designs of traps also prevent the backflow of emissions and wastewater for better sanitation and hygiene. Flanges are flat fittings that seal the pipes and keep them in place.

4. For closing connections: Caps and plug fittings are used to close connections at either or both ends of a pipe. While both serve the same function, the difference lies in their design, with caps fitting over the pipe and the plug fitting inside the pipes. 

When you are looking for the most suitable plumbing pipe connectors for installations in residential, commercial or industrial applications, explore the comprehensive range made available by Wavin, the leading global manufacturer of sustainable plastic pipes and fittings. Wavin plumbing fittings are available in push fit and welding type for ease of installing leakproof connections that last longer without wear and tear.


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